register_command('all', 'ginfo', "ANONYMOUS"); $this->bot->core("colors")->define_scheme("GI", "highlight", "yellow"); $this->bot->core("colors")->define_scheme("GI", "normal", "white"); $this->bot->core("colors")->define_scheme("GI", "info", "lightgreen"); $this->bot->core("colors")->define_scheme("GI", "red", "red"); $this->bot->core("colors")->define_scheme("GI", "blue", "blue"); /* define classes and colors for recruitment */ $this->classes = array( 'sin' => 'Assasin', 'barb' => 'Barbarian', 'bs' => 'Bear Shaman', 'conq' => 'Conqueror', 'dt' => 'Dark Templar', 'demo' => 'Demonologist', 'guard' => 'Guardian', 'hox' => 'Herald of Xotli', 'necro' => 'Necromancer', 'pom' => 'Priest of Mitra', 'rang' => 'Ranger', 'tos' => 'Tempest of Set', ); /* you can pute more/less levels of recruitment */ $this->colors = array( 'none' => '#FFCC00', 'low' => '#FF0000', 'medium' => '#FF6600', 'high' => '#009900', 'ultrahigh' => '#005900', ); // settings $i = 1; $opt = ""; // make options for settings foreach ($this->colors as $k => $v) {$opt .= $k.";";unset($k, $v);} $opt = eregi_replace(";$", "", $opt);// remove last ; from options // make settings loop foreach ($this->classes as $short => $long) { $this->bot->core("settings")->create("GuildInfo", $short, "none", $long." requirement", $opt, false, $i); $i++; } unset($opt, $i); // help $this->help['description'] = 'Helps with guild recruitment.'; $this->help['command']['ginfo'] = 'Displays guild\'s info tab.'; // officers $this->officers = array( // first is guild leader 'Airo', // rest are officers 'Redangel', 'Snyder', 'Kovach', 'Biert', 'Matsocks', 'Molay', 'Xurlie', ); } /* */ function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin) { // there is only one command if (preg_match('/^ginfo/i', $msg, $info)) { // spam protection if ($this->is_not_spam($name)) { return $this->info($name); } } else { $this->bot->send_help($name); } } /* guild info stuff */ function info($name) { // guild name $txt = "CRO Guild\n.
"; $txt .= "\n.
"; // staff $i = 0; foreach ($this->officers as $v) { $online = $this->find_officer($v); $n = $online[1]; $online = $online[0]; // first one is guildleader if (!$i) {$txt .= "##normal##Guild leader##end##\n";} // rest are officers else if ($i == 1) {$txt .= "##normal##Officers##end##\n";} $txt .= "##GI_highlight##".$online['content']." :: ".$n." ( ".$v." )##end##"; if ($v == $name) {$txt .= " - posted recruitment info";} $txt .= "\n"; unset($v, $online, $n); $i++; } // recruitment text from local file // you can get one from your website if you really want... $data = file_exists($this->recruitment_file) ? file_get_contents($this->recruitment_file) : ''; $txt .= $data; // loop to create requirement foreach ($this->classes as $short => $long) { $r = $this->bot->core("settings")->get("GuildInfo", $short);// requirement for class $txt .= "##normal##".$long.":##end## [".$r."]\n"; unset($short, $long, $r); } unset($data); return $this->bot->core("tools")->make_blob("CRO Guild info", $txt); } /* find officer */ public function find_officer($name) { // query for officer, if hes not on any alts his main char will be shown ($name) $query = $this->bot->db->select("select o.nickname from #___online as o, #___alts as a where o.status_gc = '1' and ( (o.nickname = a.alt and a.main = '".$name."') or (o.nickname = a.main and a.alt = '".$name."') ) LIMIT 1"); if (!empty($query)) { // just in case go with foreach loop, but there should be only one item in array foreach ($query as $user) { $name = $user[0]; unset($user); } } unset($query); // online status on character $name $online = $this->bot->core("online")->get_online_state($name); // return data array (online/offline, character name) return array($online, $name); } /* spam protection agains wankers that click dozen times on link */ public function is_not_spam($name) { // if name is in array, check if he clicked in last $this->spam_time minutes if (isset($this->who_clicked[ $name ])) { // name is in array, check if time char last time clicked is greater than time() - $this->spam_time if ( $this->who_clicked[ $name ] > ( time() - $this->spam_time * 60 ) ) { return false; } } $this->who_clicked[ $name ] = time(); return true; } } ?>