General stuff > Help for game

Account hacked!!!!!

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ok thank god they fixd my account fast enough and restored most things i hade from gear to mony to all alts witch where deletd and now they gone fix back the guild mats and mony heres the mail i got from them:


Thank you for contacting Funcom Customer Support.

This email is to inform you that we have restored all verifiable items
to your characters. However, we still need to restore the items that
were taken from your guild. This will be done within the next one (1)
business day. If you have any further questions or concerns, please
reply directly to this email and I will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and have a pleasant rest of the day.

so hopfully everything gets back like be4 and conserning the dude who hackd into my account i was not allowed that typ of info lol but anyways am glad that my hard work and time didnt go to waste

Good to hear they sorted it for you but still odd how this person knew to target you in particular

hope2cub back ig soon..
and i hope u got some bonus
gold from FC for bad security,
so you can finally afford chest on your sin trololol :D

*hugz, kissez, and a friendly ALO*
azi <3


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